
The ATA operates an on-line submission system. Details of how to submit online and full author instructions can be found at: www.jatb.org. Manuscripts should be submitted to the on-line submission system at www.jatb.org following all prompts on the screen. Other correspondences can be sent by e-mail to the editor Soonhwan Jeon at shjeon@jbm.ac.kr

Manuscripts can be submitted by e-mail to the editor Soonhwan Jeon at shjeon@jbm.ac.kr

Soonhwan Jeon, Editor-in-Chief

Department of Global Trade and Business

Joongbu University

305, Dongheon-ro

Deogyang-gu, Goyang-si,

Gyeonggi-do 10279


Phone: 82-10-6262-6634

Fax: 82-31-8075-1508

E-Mail: shjeon@jbm.ac.kr