Call for Papers [Journal of Asia Trade and Business (JATB)] |
The Journal of Asia Trade and Business (JATB) is the official publication of the Asian Trade Association. JATB publishes manuscripts of significant interest that contribute to the theoretical and practical basis of business, economics, and international trade studies. JATB’s broad scope and editorial polices create accessible, thought-provoking content for the general academic community of business, economics, and international trade. The goal of JATB is to publish insightful, innovative and impactful research on business, economics, and international trade. JATB is multidisciplinary in scope and interdisciplinary in content and methodology. |
Subject Coverage |
JATB is an interdisciplinary journal that welcomes submissions from scholars in business, economics, and trade disciplines and from other disciplines (e.g., political science) if the manuscripts fall within the JATB domain statement. Papers are especially welcome which combine and integrate theories and concepts that are taken from or that can be traced to origins in different disciplines. JATB is a methodologically pluralistic journal. Quantitative and qualitative research methodologies are both encouraged, as long as the studies are methodologically rigorous. Conceptual and theory-development papers, empirical hypothesis-testing papers, and case-based studies are all welcome. Mathematical modeling papers are welcome if the modeling is appropriate and the intuition explained carefully. |
Notes for Prospective Authors |
Submitted papers should not have been previously published nor be currently under consideration for publication elsewhere. All papers are referred through a peer review process. All manuscripts should follow the guidelines for authors on the JATB homepage (http://www.jatb.org). JATB operates an on-line submission system. Manuscripts should be submitted to the on-line submission system at http://www.jatb.org following all prompts on the screen. There is no firm submission deadline for papers and the submitted articles will be evaluated on a rolling basis. Any queries should be sent to the Editor of JATB at the following address: Dr. Soonhwan Jeon (Joongbu University), shjeon@jbm.ac.kr |